Zillum - Cookie Policy

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file saved in your local computer, that stores some details about your browser and retains certain details like the language preference or authentication details, to provide you with a contextual experience when using the applications. The most important function of cookies is session management and personalization. They can also be used to store and retrieve certain behavioural information about the users to provide relevant information to the users. Learn more about cookies here. (Wikipedia link)

What are the cookie types used by Zoho?

Cookies can be session-specific cookies or persistent cookies. A session-specific cookie expires automatically when you close your browser. Persistent cookies remain in your browser memory until they are deleted. Expiry is set in the cookie itself. Some expire after a few minutes, while some may be persistent and expire only after a few years. Cookies placed directly by the same website that you are using are known as ‘First-party cookies’.

The detailed list of cookies we use on our website is given below in the table. We do periodic cookie scanning of our website and keep our cookie list as accurate as possible. The cookies we add to your browser can be classified as follows:

  • Strictly Necessary
  • Functional/ Preference
  • Analytics
Strictly Necessary Cookies

Strictly Necessary cookies are required for our website to function seamlessly and you should not be turning these off in your systems. They are essential to enable you to log in to our servers, navigate the application and use the features. In case you remove or disable these cookies, we cannot assure you of a smooth experience when you use our applications and services.

Cookie NamePurposeValidity
zalb_ followed by a 10-character sequence of numbers or alphanumeric characters.Load balancing and session stickinessSession
csr* / *csr* / *csr, zmpncc, zfccnWebsite securitySession
dcl_pfx_lcntNavigation through cross-domainsSession
JSESSIONIDHTTP session token identifierSession
stk, rtkLogin, Signup - Success & failure analysisSession
_imtremManage the 'Remember me' optionSession
_z_identityManage the user's login sessionSession
IAMTFA*Two Factor Authentication validationSession
_zsudcManage custom domain login sessionsSession
zidpMaintain OpenID sign-in optionsSession
zoho_fbuidMaintain Facebook loginSession
GAUTH_TICKETProvide the authentication token in mobile apps for mobile sign-in abilitySession
tfa_acTwo Factor Authentication managementSession
clientauthtokenSupport sign-in for client portalSession
_iamadt, _iambdtManage logged-in user session1 month
zipStore IP locale country value for proper website operations1 day
AKA_A2Performance optimisation in loading of pages1 hour
dcl_bdStores the base domain of the current data center (DC) to ensure proper cross-data center domain navigation.Session
is_pfxStores the current web URL domain prefix informationSession
IAMTFATICKET_<zuid>Stores the trusted browser session, when the "Trust this Browser" option is enabled during TFA verification by the user.180day(s)
^(?=.*\d)[a-z0-9]{37}_user_uuid$Account and Session Management6 hours
^IAMSATCK_[0-9]+$It is utilized to prevent brute force sign-in attacks originating from a browser.90 days
aprmjrnpkcrkksSecurity of website/applicationSession
BuildCookie_AssetTypeBuild management6 months
IAM_TEST_COOKIESecurity of website/application1 day
PHPSESSIDPHP session cookie associated with embedded content from this domain.2 days
wms-tkp-tokenThis is set by IAM filter to facilitate WMS authentication1 month
wms.agentThis cookie informs the client whether the 'wms-tkp-token' is present. If not, an alternative authentication flow is used.1 month
zmircTo redirect the user to an app group based on free / paid1 day
zpccCSRF Cookie, this cookie will be set when the customer access an external(published) linkSession
zpctSecurity of website/applicationSession
zuserlangStores the preferred language for web page1 day
IsMarketingSkipSkip syncing sign-up data to internal relationship management toolsSession
acc_verRedirect to the new user interface of Zoho accounts page1 year
isiframeenabledManage the loading of some static containers for better UI client performance1 day
uesignValidate client ID while loading previous visit chats1 month
PaymentsReferralTo identify the referral partner of the visitor.90 days
Functional Cookies

Functional/ Preference cookies are used to remember certain choices you made (username, language, region) along with other functions (show/ hide banners, redirection of links to new page), to provide a more contextual online experience. These preferences are remembered using persistent cookies so that you need not set them each time you visit the website/ page.

Our website's chat widget also uses functional cookies, and cannot be used, if the functional cookies are disabled.

Cookie NamePurposeValidity
has_jsCheck if JavaScript is enabled in the visitor's browserSession
zc_consent, zc_showManage user consent for tracking and cookie banner display settings1 year
*pollsMaintain state and choices made by visitors in the polls conducted1 year
zld*dragpos, zld*stateSalesIQ chat window options(position and state)5 minutes
isexitmodaldisabledStore user preferences(eg. cookie banner, timezone, country, IP, locale etc)90 days
pll_languagePolylang uses the cookie pll _language to remember the language selected by the user when he comes back to visit again the website. This cookie is also used to get the language information when not available in another way.1 year
^zld[0-9]+state$Used to store the minimisation and maximisation state of the embed5 minutes
Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies provide us with certain insights about the way our websites are used by visitors. This helps us enhance the way it works, to ensure a better user experience. These insights include details like visitor behaviour, and user behavior, the source site from which the user navigated to our website, the number of each user's visits, and the duration in which the user stays on the pages of our websites. The details are anonymised and only the analytical data is stored, and they are used to test our new pages and new features, from time to time.

Cookie NamePurposeValidity
RTMeasures page load time, or other timers associated with the page7 days
za_anonymous_idUnderstand visitors' behaviour across our website1 year
zc_cu, zc_cu_exp, zc_tpUnderstand visitors' behaviour across our website1 year
Z*PageURL, Z*Ref, ZohoMarkRef, ZohoMarkSrcUnderstand visitors' behaviour across our website1 month, 1 month, Session, Session
zsstssn, zsltssnUnderstand visitors' behaviour across our website30 minutes, 90days
*_zldp, *_siqid,*_uuidUnderstand visitors' behaviour across our website2 years
*_zldtCount the number of visits to a page1 day
zabUserId, zabHMBucket, zabBucket, zabVisitId, zabSplit, ztpctest, zab_*Manage, analyse and understand visitor behaviour across our website1 year, 1 year, 1 year, Session, 1 year, Transient, 1 hour
cookie-uidUnderstand visitors' behaviour across our websiteSession
creator_cdAnalyse the effectiveness of adwords campaigns3 months
zpzohopage, zpzohorefTrack source and referral webpage information to understand user navigationSession
gclidAnalyse the effectiveness of adwords campaigns3 months
gtm_zoho_sourceStore referral source information3 months
*zsrv0.*, zsr*, ps_payloadSeqIdUnderstand visitors' behaviour on a webpage2 hours
^[a-z0-9]{32}$Used for deriving the path taken by the visitor and the number of visitors that dropped off while traversing through the funnel.1 month
^webformstarter_[a-z0-9]+$Webpage analyticsSession
^zsc[0-9a-z]{32}$This cookie is set when a new session is started in full tracking. This cookie is used to identify the current session for full tracking.1 day
landingPageUrlStore user preferences(eg. cookie banner, timezone, country, IP, locale etc)3 months
postMasterUUIDWebpage analytics1 year
zft-sdcThis cookie stores metadata ( entrances, source, etc) of a session which is used by full tracking.1 day
zia_{exp key - alphanumeric}This cookie is set when the user provides Identity information by using the identifier API1 year
zps-tgr-dtsThis cookie contains session-level metadata related to pagesense triggers.1 year
Third-party cookies

Third-party cookies are those, which are not set by the website you are visiting but are set by another domain. Certain Zoho’s technologies and applications might be hosted in a third-party domain that you are using. However, our commitment extends to these domains (zoho.com, cdn.pagesense.io, js.zohocdn.com, *.zohopublic.com, zoho.in, zoho.com.au, zoho.com) equally.

That said, we do not allow any third-party tracking companies to set cookies or other trackers on our website as part of our commitment to protect the privacy of our users with the utmost care.

Cookie NamePurposeValidityThird Party Name
PREFStores your preferences and other information, such as preferred language, the number of search results you wish to see, and whether Google's SafeSearch filter is enabled.8 monthsYouTube
YSCRegisters a unique ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the visitor has seen.SessionYouTube
VISITOR_INFO1_LIVEMeasures your bandwidth to determine if you receive the new or old player interface.8 monthsYouTube
use_hitboxIncrements the views counter on the YouTube video8 monthsYouTubes
sc_anonymous_idTo implement, measure and improve their embedded content/service on the website - The collection of data also includes visitors’ interaction with embedded content/service.3650 daysSoundCloud
__cf_bmThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots.1 dayVimeo
vuidCollects statistics on a user's visits to the website, such as which pages have been read.2 yearsVimeo
playerSaves the user's preferences when playing embedded videos from Vimeo.1 yearVimeo
_abexpsRemembers your settings, such as language, region, or username.1 yearVimeo

*Information* : A local storage object named "zglobal_Acookie_optOut" is used to remember your cookie preference. The use of this storage object is categorised as Strictly necessary.

How you can manage cookies?

Cookie preference manager

Use the ‘Manage Cookie Preferences’ option at the top of this page to manage your cookies. You can also click on the ‘Cookie icon’ that appears at the left bottom corner of most of the web pages. (specifically from EU, UK, Brazil, Japan or California regions,)

Browser settings

Most of the popular browsers provide ‘Settings’ through which you can set your ‘Cookie preferences’. If you severely restrict the cookies set by the website, it may badly affect the way the application works and also hamper the user experience, due to the lack of personalization. It may also prevent you from saving customized settings like location or language settings.

The browsers also provide help pages with instructions to set your cookie management preferences. Some of the popular browser details are listed below for quick reference:


We may update this Cookie Statement from time to time, in order to reflect the most recent changes to the cookies we use, or for operational, legal, or regulatory obligations. We request you to check the Cookie Policy periodically to ensure that you stay updated about our use of cookies and related technologies. For more information relating to cookies, you may contact privacy@zohocorp.com.